Programme: Strength & Conditioning

Dave had lost his mojo. He had lost the motivation to exercise and he had put on weight. “I was looking to improve my body composition, tone up and get some energy back,” he stated. In addition to that he wanted to lose weight. At the end of the programme he proclaimed: “My body shape has transformed, I’ve lost a lot around my stomach, I’ve toned a lot, my posture’s improved no end and I’ve found my mojo again!”






28.4 to 21.6


6 months


The first activity in his programme was our ‘Set up for Success’ induction. This comprised:

  • Taking measurements and photographs to benchmark Dave’s starting point.
  • Benchmarking his daily calorie expenditure.
  • Setting a goal. Dave’s goals were about tone, posture and body composition but we set a weight loss goal of 2 stones.
  • Setting an initial level for his calorie intake. We cut calories and assumed a calorie burn from exercise.
  • Providing coaching on food intake. This included food theory and diet construction.
  • Constructing an exercise programme consisting of weight training and cardiovascular exercise.


We keep a constant dialogue with clients to enable them to get the most from the programme. With Dave we made the following observations and took the following actions:

  • Dave’s job made lifestyle changes more challenging, but he nevertheless made good changes to his eating.
  • He was ahead of target straight away then levelled out before the weight loss target.
  • Dave’s job made it difficult to find the time to do what was required to meet the target, but he was happy with his transformed appearance and renewed energy and so settled into more of a maintenance mode before the end of the programme.


The exercise programme had the following elements:

Cardiovascular Exercise to

  • Strengthen his heart, lungs and vascular system.
  • Improve his ability to burn fat as a fuel.
  • Improve his health markers and resting heart rate.
  • Burn some extra calories.

Weight training to

  • Enable him to build or retain muscle whilst losing weight.
  • Provide a metabolic and hormonal cascade of beneficial effects.
  • Improve his movement, posture and functional capability

“It’s been a great experience for me, it’s something I want to continue as part of my daily life”


Before   After

Dave Bray Before and After Right

Before   After

Dave Bray Before and After Front Transformation

Body Stats

Dave lost 3.5 inches off his waist and maintained the girth of his chest, shoulders, arms and legs, despite stripping fat from those areas.

Dave Bray Chart 3

Body Composition

Dave lost over 7 kg fat, gained over 1 kg muscle and lost 1.6 kg visceral fat. His % body fat went from 28.4% to 21.6%. When he finished the programme his body composition was still improving and heading towards ‘muscular’.


In terms of strength gains, Dave’s bench press went to more than 60 kg for 10 reps, his front squat above 60 kg for 12 reps and his deadlift, still increasing in his continued training, is at 132 for 8 reps.


Dave transformed his body shape, gained over a kg of muscle, lost over 7kg fat, lost a lot around his stomach, toned up, improved his posture and found his mojo again

“Although I’ve had personal training before as a member of a gym, this is really very different, more focused. The wellbeing improvement has been tremendous.”

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