Programme: Private Weight Loss

Nicola approached us in January 2018. “I just knew I wanted to feel better, I’d hit 50, I didn’t like the way my body felt or looked and how that made me feel about myself. I didn’t want the wobbly bits any more.”
“Life Force Fitness have helped me, without getting all gushing and tearful actually, in numerous ways. I’ve achieved a body but I’ve also achieved a lot of balance in my mind – I now walk like I deserve to be on the planet.”


Nicola wanted to lose 50lbs but we set the initial goal at 3 stones




5.6 to 2.9kg


9 Inches


10 months


The first activity in her programme was our ‘Set up for Success’ induction. This comprised:

  • Taking measurements and photographs to benchmark Nicola’s starting point.
  • Benchmarking her daily calorie expenditure.
  • Setting a goal. Nicola wanted to lose 50 lbs but we set an initial goal of 3 stones.
  • Setting an initial level for her calorie intake. We cut calories and assumed a calorie burn from exercise.
  • Providing coaching on food intake. This included food theory and diet construction.
  • Constructing an exercise programme consisting of weight training and cardiovascular exercise.


We keep a constant dialogue with clients to enable them to get the most from the programme. With Nicola we made the following observations and took the following actions:

  • Nicola adopted a new lifestyle immediately, undertaking all the recommended activities.
  • She developed her own systems for staying on track, such as making sure she was in calorie deficit every day. If she was in surplus by the evening, she’d go for a walk to burn the extra calories and get back into deficit.
  • Not only did she have the support of her family, they all benefited from adopting the new lifestyle. “I’ve taken away a healthier life, a healthier family”, she said


The exercise programme had the following elements:

Cardiovascular exercise to

  • Strengthen her heart, lungs and vascular system.
  • Improve her ability to burn fat as a fuel.
  • Improve her health markers and resting heart rate.
  • Burn some extra calories.

Weight training to

  • Enable her to retain muscle whilst losing weight.
  • Provide a metabolic and hormonal cascade of beneficial effects.
  • Develop tone, postural improvements and improved capability.
“I walk from the [Life Force Fitness Studio] door to the car and feel smug, …..I feel like I can conquer the world….at that moment I’m quite invincible.”


Before   After

Nicola - before and after side

Before   After

Nicola - before and after


Nicola has lost over 9 inches from her waist. She has straightened herself up, improved her posture and developed good tone over the whole of her body. Noting that she used to hide her arms, she said, “I enjoy looking at my arms! I actually have arms I can be proud of.”

Nicola weight loss graph

Weight Loss

At at 14th December, Nicola has lost 3 stones 5.5 lbs and is 2.5lbs off her personal 50lb target. She has lost 6lbs of visceral fat.


As you’ll see from the photos and videos, Nicola is now fit and strong and capable. ” I’ve taken away a desire to maintain my fitness, I now love it, I don’t want to stop.”


To date, Nicola has lost 3 stones 5.5lbs and is just short of her personal 50lb weight loss target. Both she and her family have a new lifestyle and she is feeling a lot better about herself.

“You’ve believed in me so I could believe in myself. I’ve taken away a happier self, and the tools to live a healthier life”

To hear more of Nicola’s story, take a look at this longer version of Nicola’s Testimonial

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