Blog Archives - Page 4 of 13 - Life Force Fitness

Am I too old to build muscle?

Am I too old to build muscle? No! Older clients working out at Life Force Fitness

“Am I too old to build muscle?”. You may be asking yourself this question. We certainly get asked this question a lot by our prospective clients. The answer is a resounding ‘NO!’. I have to caveat that a little. If you’re already focused on building muscle, then you may have reached your genetic potential. You’ll

Feb 12, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

A personal trainer’s guide to food, diets and nutrition

Lots of fibre - fruit, veg, wholegrains. A personal trainer's guide to food, diets and nutrition

In this post, we provide a personal trainer’s guide to food, diets and nutrition. How can we make recommendations to suit everyone? After all, every one of our private training clients is distinct; their drivers are all different, their ‘why’ is unique. But when we turn their vision into a plan, we can distil their

Feb 06, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Top ten tips for losing weight

Lady's feet on a set of scales. Top ten tips for losing weight

We’re well into the New Year now. If your New Year resolution was to lose weight and it’s not going too well, you may not be doing everything required. Losing weight isn’t easy; there are many things you need to get right. If just one of them isn’t on point, it can derail your efforts.

Jan 29, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Stay strong, live long

Stay strong as you get older

Officially, old age is classed as 65 and above. How do you imagine you’ll be once you reach old age, how do you want it to be? I guess most of you would like to live at least another 20 years, stay strong, be fit, capable and active, travel the world and tick things off

Jan 21, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Love your vegetables

Tray of veg ready for baking. Love your vegetables

Vegetables are one of the most powerful tools in your weight loss arsenal. Why is that? Because they are filling and, generally, low in calories. So, you can fill your face with them and not worry about getting too many calories. That’s going to stop you getting hungry for a long time despite the relatively

Jan 15, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Heal your ‘self’ with an holistic approach

Collage of clients interacting at the studio in Northampton. Heal your 'self' with an holistic approach

We’re very proud of our testimonials, both written and video. In them, our clients don’t talk about how much weight they lost or how much they can lift. What’s noticeable is that they talk about how they feel. They feel better about themselves. They feel happier and more self-confident, with a better sense of identity

Jan 07, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Ten steps to feeling better about yourself

Woman looking at herself in the mirror with pride. Ten steps to feeling better about yourself.

What a year! COVID-19 has had the most significant impact on our lives since the last world war. Some would argue it’s been even more impactful. One thing is for sure; the consequences have been very damaging for individuals and businesses alike. We’ve seen increases in stress, worry and anxiety. And this has been exacerbated

Dec 21, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Three reasons to avoid sugar

Shredded wheat. Shredded wheat has a high GI, which is one of the reasons to avoid sugar

It’s a time of year – Christmas 2020 – when our sugar intake goes up dramatically. Although Easter is very sugary, I’d wager Christmas tops it. Without wishing to spoil your fun, there are lots of good reasons to avoid sugar this Christmas. Do you ever find that, after Christmas, you have developed a new

Dec 19, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Healthy meals in Northampton

Crunchy salmon, available where you can eat healthy in Northampton

For many, the demands of modern life make eating healthily a challenge. In this week’s article, we tell you where you can get your healthy meals in Northampton. From takeaway alternatives to regular meal prep, there is one place that offers it all. Keep reading to find out more…   A matter of convenience Over

Dec 11, 2020 / by Haydn Ward / No Comments

Why do I feel down about myself?

Woman in despair after weighing herself. Why do I feel down about myself?

I’m going to attempt to answer the question ‘why do I feel down about myself?’. But, to be clear, this is not a discussion on all causes of low mood, anxiety and depression. This is specifically about feeling down about your physical health and appearance, and the impact it has on you. After all, we’re

Dec 04, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments