Blog Archives - Page 5 of 13 - Life Force Fitness

Ten reasons why you need muscle

Image of man showing muscles under skin. We give you ten reasons why you need muscle

There are lots of reasons why you need muscle for health and longevity. Normally when you talk about muscle, you think of physiques and strength. But the role of muscle for health is underappreciated. I have written before about how to preserve muscle mass in order to age gracefully. Bu in this post, I go

Nov 27, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

The best parks for exercise in Northampton

Exercise equipment from Victoria park, one of the best parks for exercise in Northampton

We recently started a new series focused on Northampton. Last week we wrote about the best food shop in Northampton. We continue this series by looking at the best parks for exercise in Northampton. With the current lockdown situation in the UK, gyms are shut. The government recommends outdoor activity for your health and wellbeing.

Nov 20, 2020 / by Haydn Ward / No Comments

The best food shop in Northampton

Tarka Dal made with fava beans with red lentil flatbreads. All ingredients available at the best food shop in Northampton: Daily Bread

We want to tell you about the best food shop in Northampton. It’s an independent shop hidden away off Bedford Road. There’s something about independent food shops that fascinates us. We behave as if we were at a museum or exhibition, taking one step every 30 seconds, staring at the exhibits, pointing at them, examining

Nov 13, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Veganism Pros and Cons

Salad of tomatoes, bread, olives and leaves. Veganism pros and cons

Are you thinking about going vegan? Before you do, you might want to read about the veganism pros and cons. Veganism is unquestionably on the rise. If you want to get a feel for just how quickly and markedly this lifestyle choice is gaining popularity, just look at the last bullet in the stats presented

Nov 06, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

How to avoid winter weight gain

Man measuring his waist, checing how must weight he has gained

Winter is nearly here, and it’s a time of year when people tend to gain weight. For some, this weight gain is intentional, but for most, it is an unwanted seasonal side effect. In this post, we will give you our top tips on how to avoid winter weight gain.   Why does it happen?

Oct 28, 2020 / by Haydn Ward / No Comments

Your body clock and weight gain

Tired overweight man clutching a clock. Your body clock and weight gain.

Is there really a link between your body clock and weight gain? Most definitely. And it’s quite likely that you’re impacted. Read on to find out how. But first, here’s a familiar perspective on your body clock. The clocks go back in the UK this weekend. You’ll have heard people say, ‘you get an extra

Oct 23, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

What exercise programme should I choose?

A multitude of exercise options

This week’s article answers the question ‘what exercise programme should I choose?’. There are hundreds of options available when it comes to choosing how you approach your health and fitness goals. We will give you a rundown of the most common types of exercise programmes, the pros and cons to each and our verdict as

Oct 16, 2020 / by Haydn Ward / No Comments

Can you still have a drink and lose weight?

Bottled beers sitting in a cooler. Can you still have a drink and lose weight?

Can you still have a drink and lose weight? We get this question a lot. Clients who sign up to a weight loss programme want to know if they can still have a drink. You can tell by the question that they are hoping the answer is yes, but they will begrudgingly give it up

Oct 08, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Why use personal training?

Two personal trainers with their clients

Through our blogs, we try to answer some of the critical questions you may have. However, we haven’t covered the big one: why use personal training? You might be asking yourself ‘do I need a personal trainer?’. Or ‘how do I decide who is the right trainer for me?’. In this week’s blog, we will

Oct 03, 2020 / by Haydn Ward / No Comments

Why it’s important to have fibre in your diet

Close up of thick porridge with blueberries. Why it's important to have fibre in your diet

Have you ever wondered why it’s important to have fibre in your diet? Even if you haven’t, you might find some eye-openers in this article. Let’s start with a question. Do you look at food labels? Have you noticed what’s listed there? Carbohydrate, protein and fat are listed because the government has made recommendations about

Sep 24, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments