
Can you still have a drink and lose weight?

Bottled beers sitting in a cooler. Can you still have a drink and lose weight?

Can you still have a drink and lose weight? We get this question a lot. Clients who sign up to a weight loss programme want to know if they can still have a drink. You can tell by the question that they are hoping the answer is yes, but they will begrudgingly give it up

Oct 08, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Why it’s important to have fibre in your diet

Close up of thick porridge with blueberries. Why it's important to have fibre in your diet

Have you ever wondered why it’s important to have fibre in your diet? Even if you haven’t, you might find some eye-openers in this article. Let’s start with a question. Do you look at food labels? Have you noticed what’s listed there? Carbohydrate, protein and fat are listed because the government has made recommendations about

Sep 24, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

How should I train to build muscle?

Rear view of a man squatting using a safety bar. How should I train to build muscle

How should I train to build muscle? As a private personal trainer Northampton, we get this question a lot.. And it’s a great question. Everyone should aim to maintain or build muscle as they get older. That’s because muscle is essential for so many reasons. It’s good for your health; it’ll strengthen your bones, improve

Sep 12, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Losing weight – quality matters

A tray of vegetables ready for the oven. When it comes to losing weight - quality matters

For decades now the government had been advising people to follow a diet that is based around starchy carbohydrates and to limit their fat intake, particularly of saturated fat. They make the following recommendations regarding % energy derived from different macronutrients: Protein: 9% Fat: less than 35% Carbs: at least 55%   However, people have

Aug 29, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Eight reasons why you’re not losing weight

Woman in the background looking upset after weighing herself. Eight reasons why you're not losing weight

Do you struggle to lose weight? Do you feel like you do the right things, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference? There could be one crucial factor that’s preventing progress. Or perhaps there are a few explanations. In this post, we help you figure it out. We offer eight reasons why you’re not

Aug 14, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

What’s happened to your body during lockdown?

Man looking upset because he has become weak, showing biceps. What’s happened to your body during lockdown?

What’s happened to your body during lockdown? For almost everyone, there has been an enforced change in activity levels and activity choices. And for a lot of us, there have been changes in eating habits. How have these changes affected your body? We discuss the changes that you may have made and how they might

Jul 31, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

How does fat burning work?

How does fat burning work? Image of close up of roll of fat with a lit match underneath

Most of you will be familiar with the term ‘fat burning’. And why wouldn’t you be? It’s used – over used – everywhere! Fat burning pills, fat burning workouts, fat burning drinks, fat burning exercises. Fat burning this, that and the other. Each of these products or methodologies will claim to ‘torch’ your body fat

Jul 17, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

The most effective biceps exercise – a biomechanical perspective

The standing barbell curl done strictly is a great exercise, but the intense core engagement can be distracting. It may not be the most effective biceps exercise.

The biceps muscles Which muscle do you most often imagine when strength or weight training comes up in conversation? It’s usually the biceps. Most people will raise their arm to the side and show their guns. They’ll flex their biceps, or at least mime it. But how do you grow your guns, what’s the most

Jul 01, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

What are the best low GI foods?

Picture full of varied coloured beans. The best low GI foods

What are the best low GI foods? That might not be a question you ask yourself currently. Maybe you don’t give Glycaemic Index a second thought? You’d probably should, though. You’d be able to improve your health if you did. What is the Glycaemic Index (GI)? And why is it important? We look at those

Jun 19, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

What fitness equipment should I buy for home?

View looking down a rack of dumbbells. What fitness equipment should I buy for home?

Have you been asking this question since the start of the lockdown? Several clients have asked me this question. And I bet tens of thousands across the country are asking the same thing. It’s not that easy to figure it out. There’s a bewildering array of fitness equipment out there, the vendors of each all

Jun 06, 2020 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments