Health and lifestyle Archives - Page 2 of 9 - Life Force Fitness

Strategies to combat energy compensation

Man doing squats with great form. Resistance training is a great way to combat energy compensation

When you embark on a weight loss journey, it’s expected that, at some point, you will plateau. This is because, as you lose weight, you burn fewer calories moving your body around. At some point, your energy usage becomes low enough that it is equal to your energy intake. Your calorie deficit is wiped out,

Sep 03, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

A bad lifestyle for body composition

Two people, showing legs walking

Two-thirds of the adult population are overweight or obese. But it’s a sad fact that almost none of those people want to be overweight. And despite what you may read, very few of them are comfortable being overweight. Our personal training clients in Northampton always talk about how being overweight affects their energy levels, self-confidence

Jul 30, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Which somatotype are you?

The three somatotypes, showing the relationship between somatotype and body fat

Why are some people tall and skinny and others are stocky? Some women are apple-shaped, others are pear-shaped and some are hourglass shaped; why is that? Why do some men have a v-shape and others go straight up and down? These are all great questions. The short answer is that you inherit structural body dimensions,

Jul 22, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

The biggest weight loss mistake

A bar full of empty beer glasses. Too much alcohol is very much part of a bad lifestyle

As a nation, we’ve been getting fatter for a few decades. Around two-thirds of the adult population in the UK is overweight or obese. So it’s no surprise that our most popular request from prospective clients is to lose weight. Most prospective clients come to us after trying various ways to shed the pounds. They

Jul 17, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Body composition change in Northampton

Man performing leg press

At our personal training studio in Northampton, we have a fancy machine that measures your body composition. Why do we have a sophisticated machine? Because we specialise in body composition change. We need to measure it so we know we are helping our clients to realise the best body composition possible. Of course, we market

Jul 01, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

The safest personal training venue in Northampton

Personal trainer supervising a client. The safest personal training venue in Northampton

If you use Microsoft Word, you may know that you can hit SHIFT-F7 on any word, and it will bring up a mini thesaurus. If you do that on the word ‘safe’, you get a long selection of alternative words and phrases. In this post, we’ll look at all the relevant interpretations of the word

Jun 04, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Eight mistakes people make when trying to lose weight

Chicken breast and healthy salad. Don't make the Mistakes people make when trying to lose weight

Attempting to lose weight can be difficult! Our genes make it easy for us to gain weight, and hard for us to take it off. Add to that the pressures of modern life and the influence of the food industry and it can seem like an insurmountable challenge to get in shape. Now, that said,

May 28, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Ten unexpected things about my Birmingham Hip Resurface

Walking up the steps in the garden two days post op. Birmingham Hip Resurface

If you’re heading for a hip replacement of any kind, or you know someone who is due to have one, you may find this post contains some useful insights. It’s about the things they don’t tell you when you have a Birmingham Hip Resurface. The hip I was born with had grade four osteoarthritis brought

May 22, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Top 10 Foods for Healthy Weight Loss


If you know our approach to nutrition, you’ll know that we are huge advocates of variety in the diet. So, it may seem odd that we have written a ‘top 10 foods’ article. First of all, let’s be clear, variety is by far the best strategy for optimising health. This top 10 list is a

May 01, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments

Is low carb a good approach?

A selection of low carb foods. Is low carb a good approach?

The low carb approach to dieting is very popular. It is viewed as an effective way to lose weight. Certainly, there are many practitioners and advocates. But is low carb a good approach? In this post, we discuss this popular weight loss protocol. I’m going to give you the answers upfront but if you’d like

Feb 26, 2021 / by Jon Bellis / No Comments