What are the 10 things you need to guarantee health and fitness success? We’ll tell you! Is this you? You want to lose weight and get fit. But you’ve tried before and failed. Your confidence is low that you can ever achieve your weight and fitness goals. How can you achieve the vision that you
If you love lifting and you’re looking for a new challenge, then you could tick that box by getting into the overhead squat. The overhead squat has to rank near the top of the list of supremely challenging exercises. If you’re a competing Olympic lifter looking for tips on your overhead squat, then this article
Why break your habits of a lifetime? Because they might be bad for you! Bad habits might be the reason you are not achieving your health and fitness goals. Or it might be a lack of good habits. Either way, your habits can make or break your chances of achieving your health and fitness goals.
Even if you are very calorie conscious, Christmas Day is likely to see a relaxation of your usual eating pattern. And why not? You’ve worked hard all year, kept fit and maintained a healthy weight. You deserve a bit of a binge. But do you know your Christmas Calorie Count? And do you know the
Balanced strength is the pinnacle of balance training. It’s also an important component of all functional training programmes. Being strong when your balance is challenged is critical for most sports. You will also be more resilient to falls in everyday life and more capable in everyday situations. Static balance drills are great for training the
Do you tend to put weight on over the holiday season? Perhaps several kg? You’re not alone! It’s easily done. But the good news is, it doesn’t have to be like that. You can get through the party season without putting on anything. Apart from a snazzy outfit of course! Here are our 15 top
Staying balanced when the body moves is more like real life than training in a single leg static position. Better equip yourself to deal with instability, protect against falls and become more agile in your sport by getting good at these dynamic balance drills. Static balance drills are great for training the vestibular system and
It’s still World Vegan Month. To mark this, we shared some information on the health benefits of lentils a couple of weeks ago. Now it’s the turn of beans, another great vegan food. When I was looking for ‘B’ words to go with beans I came across bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. If you search for synonyms
Do you find yourself increasingly unsteady on your feet? Or perhaps you fall sometimes? Do you have to hold on to come down the stairs? Or perhaps you feel you don’t have balanced power in your sport? You would probably benefit from some balance training. These Static Balance Progressions would be a good start. Static
Most of you will have heard of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). It’s a great form of training, especially for those who are time-poor. Below, we put a different slant on traditional HIIT workouts with High-Intensity Resistance Interval Training. Do HIIT our way, and you’ll be keeping it fresh and working every muscle in your