For decades now the government had been advising people to follow a diet that is based around starchy carbohydrates and to limit their fat intake, particularly of saturated fat. They make the following recommendations regarding % energy derived from different macronutrients: Protein: 9% Fat: less than 35% Carbs: at least 55% However, people have
If you speak to most people in the gym, you’ll find their main reason for going is to lose weight. On average, most people are looking to lose two stones of weight. But why this magic number? More importantly, how quickly can you lose two stones? There are plenty of diets and training programmes promising
Do you struggle to lose weight? Do you feel like you do the right things, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference? There could be one crucial factor that’s preventing progress. Or perhaps there are a few explanations. In this post, we help you figure it out. We offer eight reasons why you’re not
What’s the reason you go to the gym and follow a diet plan? For most, training and diet are all about aesthetics – the desire to look good, naked. To achieve this goal you may need to drop some body fat and gain some lean muscle. We call this process recomposition, or recomp for short.
What’s happened to your body during lockdown? For almost everyone, there has been an enforced change in activity levels and activity choices. And for a lot of us, there have been changes in eating habits. How have these changes affected your body? We discuss the changes that you may have made and how they might
In this article, we look at functional fitness for the over 40s and how to keep making progress towards your health and body goals. Throughout this article, we will cover what functional fitness is, some age-related considerations when it comes to exercise and how you should train for optimal health and fitness. The advice in
Most of you will be familiar with the term ‘fat burning’. And why wouldn’t you be? It’s used – over used – everywhere! Fat burning pills, fat burning workouts, fat burning drinks, fat burning exercises. Fat burning this, that and the other. Each of these products or methodologies will claim to ‘torch’ your body fat
It’s common practice to aspire to achieve those Hollywood bodies you see on the big screens, on social media and in your favourite magazines. In this week’s article, we look at how these celebrities achieve their bodies and provide five steps you can take to start your transformation. It’s 2013. It’s April and the trailer
The biceps muscles Which muscle do you most often imagine when strength or weight training comes up in conversation? It’s usually the biceps. Most people will raise their arm to the side and show their guns. They’ll flex their biceps, or at least mime it. But how do you grow your guns, what’s the most
In this week’s article, we look at the relationship between sleep and health. We also give you the top tips on how to improve your sleep. We all know sleep is a vital part of our day. When you sleep, your body does a multitude of jobs including muscular repair, memory processing as well