I must admit that during my former corporate career, I used to roll my eyes when someone used the word ‘holistic’. It was one of those corporate buzzwords used by people in meetings, doing their best to make their mark. I have to say though, it does suit very well what we are all about.
Do you have a sweet tooth? Are you a chocoholic? You might like this food tip. Here are three handy ingredients to help keep your calorie intake down whilst enjoying some indulgence. Use a calorie free sweetener to sweeten your food. Use it in tea and coffee, with your oats, on berries etc. We use
Welcome back to the second instalment on the benefits of weight training. In this post we talk about the health and confidence benefits that can be derived. Let’s start with health. Health Most people don’t realise the hormonal benefits of weight training. Weight training increases both testosterone and growth hormone, two fantastic hormones
Why everyone should be in to weight training Not sure about weight training? You might be surprised just how beneficial and enjoyable it is. Do you want to lose weight but you’re not sure what exercise is best? Do you want to improve the way you look? Do you want to be fit and healthy?
We went blackberry picking whilst walking the dogs this evening. We got quite a haul ! 600g to be precise. All berries are packed with goodness: vitamins – C in particular; minerals, phytonutrients and fibre. They’re often labelled as superfoods. They are also a great food for including in your diet if you’re trying to lose
When you are losing weight, it is critical do eat fewer calories than the number of calories you use to fuel yourself. Of course that means you are more likely to become hungry, particularly if you make poor food choices. Good food choices will keep you filled up for longer and will make it less
It’s very easy to get dehydrated in hot weather, especially if you are doing something physical. Here are some tips to stay hydrated: 1. Drink plenty of water. Sounds pretty obvious, huh? The emphasis is on the word water. Try not to take in too many drinks that contain caffeine, as caffeine acts like a
Here’s a food idea for you. I say to my clients that if they are unsure what they can eat, then a good idea is to shoot for something that is calorie sparse but nutrient dense. Vegetables are great. You can load up on most vegetables without fear of overeating. Butternut squash is a great
I’m sure you know I’m a great advocate of weight training for both men and women. I know a lot of women avoid weight training because they fear becoming bulky and muscular. But let me tell you that most women who actually want to get muscular find it very difficult. You have to be very
Here is the second set of progressions of the burpee, a great exercise you can do at home in a short space of time. If you are short on time and in decent nick then these exercises are perfect and give you lots of bang for your buck. These progressions are the next level up