If you know our approach to nutrition, you’ll know that we are huge advocates of variety in the diet. So, it may seem odd that we have written a ‘top 10 foods’ article. First of all, let’s be clear, variety is by far the best strategy for optimising health. This top 10 list is a
There are lots of excellent books on the subject of nutrition for sport. But there’s also a lot of nonsense on the internet. Some people advocate a way of eating that promotes their philosophy. And others convince you of a nutrition approach that encourages you to buy their product. There is good advice, bad advice
It’s spring 2021, and lockdown is beginning to ease in the UK. We’re not too far away from everything being back to ‘normal’. Of course, the way we live and work will likely change forever due to this COVID pandemic. But we’re still going to mostly do the things we were doing before and live
We have a fabulous personal training studio, and we don’t show it off enough! We talk a lot about our knowledge, experience, approach, and results. And why wouldn’t we? We’re proud of all those things. But we’re also proud of our studio because we believe it’s the best private personal training space in Northampton. In
The low carb approach to dieting is very popular. It is viewed as an effective way to lose weight. Certainly, there are many practitioners and advocates. But is low carb a good approach? In this post, we discuss this popular weight loss protocol. I’m going to give you the answers upfront but if you’d like
Losing weight is the number one goal we receive from clients. And I’m confident it’s the same for almost all personal trainers. It should be simple; eat less, do more. But so many people fail. Why is that? Because it isn’t simple after all. It’s easy on paper but, in practice, it’s tough! But don’t
“Am I too old to build muscle?”. You may be asking yourself this question. We certainly get asked this question a lot by our prospective clients. The answer is a resounding ‘NO!’. I have to caveat that a little. If you’re already focused on building muscle, then you may have reached your genetic potential. You’ll
In this post, we provide a personal trainer’s guide to food, diets and nutrition. How can we make recommendations to suit everyone? After all, every one of our private training clients is distinct; their drivers are all different, their ‘why’ is unique. But when we turn their vision into a plan, we can distil their
We’re well into the New Year now. If your New Year resolution was to lose weight and it’s not going too well, you may not be doing everything required. Losing weight isn’t easy; there are many things you need to get right. If just one of them isn’t on point, it can derail your efforts.
Officially, old age is classed as 65 and above. How do you imagine you’ll be once you reach old age, how do you want it to be? I guess most of you would like to live at least another 20 years, stay strong, be fit, capable and active, travel the world and tick things off